So Glad You Decided to Stop By

Monday, March 17, 2008

I have officially moved to WordPress

For those who periodically check my blog, or those who come here often, I wanted to make sure that you are directed to the site for my current blog. I'll leave this blog open, and keep the link available for you to get in touch with me.

New Blog

Living Out Loud

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


First of all I have to say that Steve Sands is an incredible guy. Please keep his family in prayer. His sister, Lisa went into labor early and there are complications with one of the babies.

I got a txt msg from him last Wednesday, but had no clue who it was. I could only think of two people that I know as Steven. My cousin and a friend i grew up with. So, i knew neither of them had sisters with babies. I called around and neither were playing a prank on me. I dumb founded, becuase I couldn't think of any other Steven.

So, I waited to call this person back. Their number was in the text, but I didn't think of calling it. I waited some more.

"Make a long story short Al!"

I called and left a message for this person, who sounded just like my cousin. I thought, "Hmmm...That's weird."

I got a call back and it was Steve Sands. Boy did I feel like a tool at that moment. I learned a lesson however.

Waiting can kill your relationships. So, suck it up and call that person, text them back, send them an email. Whatever you do, do it, but don't wait!

Living Out Loud,

Friday, March 7, 2008

My New Blog

For those of you that follow me. I am posting my blogs at a new site as well as here. The address is Come and c heck me out.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

We finally made it

So, we moved this past Saturday. We beat out the storm, packed up everything we own, drove an hour and then unpacked it all.

Big shout out, and huge props to the two crews that helped.

The Wilbraham Crew- Ethan, Joel, Chad, Joe, Jay, and Kevin

The Holden Crew- Darren, Nicholas, Marty,Billy, and Ben

You guys rocked it out that day. We got everything moved in in just over 2 hours.

I started the new job on Monday. UNUM is the name of the company, and I am an Underwriting Specialist. It has been awesome so far! It will be a lot of work, but I've already met some really awesome people.

Just wanted to post a quick note on the move and the new job.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Moving in T-Minus 1 day

Good morning my fellow bloggites!

I can't believe the move date is so close at hand. It seems like it was only a month or two ago that My family and I decided that God was calling us to up and move to Worcester. We are soooo excited to get our move on.

So, I haven't blogged since 2/18/08. Wow, time flies, when you're busy moving...Hmmm. What the heck does that mean?!!?

Where do I begin in explaining this move?

Towards the beginning of 2007 my wife and I began a period of change, specifically in our spiritual lives. We changed ministries, started questioning if where we were at that time was really where God wanted us. We felt uncomfortable and unsettled. It was strange to feel that way in a place that always felt like home to us, our Church. We really felt that God was gearing us up fr something dracstic; a huge change in our lives.

We now fast forward to last August.

My wife and I got together with one of my best friends, Marty, and his wife Carie. Erica and I used to attend Fellowship Church while we were in college, and when we got married we moved back to my home church in East Longmeadow MA. So, Marty was there to ask us to pray about moving, and to tell us bit (actually it lasted about 5 hours) about the vision God had given him for Fellowship Church.

Erica and I felt as though God, in one fell swoop, confirmed what we had been feeling for months.
I met with my Pastor, Dave Brown, and discussed the idea. I called on some people who I trusted, and was confident that they would pray for us. Then in October, we decided that this was the direction that God was calling us.

We began going out every other week. We would spend one Sunday in East Longmeadow First Baptist, the next in Holden at Fellowship Church. This has been the procedure for the last 5 months, and God has done some incredible things through that time of waiting.

I have said many times that this whole situation is bitter sweet. Sweet, becuase Erica and I have gotten a hold of what God wants us to do with our lives, and received true direction from Him. Also sweet is working with a great team, having some awesome responsiblities, and so many new friends.

It is bitter, because we leave behind our family, friends, and many many loved ones and memories.

So, here we are 5 months later. God has worked out a new job for me, which I start 2 days after we move. Good timing eh? We have a place to live, and are still looking for a permanent place. Keep it in prayer. God has toatlly confirmed this move for us. We don't even have to pay for the moving truck, or the gas for it!!

Well, what I've learnedin all this is...God will always provide the way, and usually makes it much better than you could ever have expected. If you've never trusted God with anything, I challenge you to try Him. See how He proves to you His ability and power to get you through anything.

Living Out Loud

Monday, February 18, 2008

What Light are You Shining?

So, I was reading Luke 19 today, and came to realize a few things. Jesus was always who He was, no matter the circumstance, the difficulty, or pressure around him. People knew what they were getting when they encountered Him. There was no faking, no masking the truth. He was 100% Jesus, 100% of the time.

How often can I say that of myself? How often do I put up a front for others? How many times have I altered my behavior, personality, etc. to suit the situation?

Living Out Loud

Friday, February 15, 2008

Diggin' for Treasure...Arrrr where's my Booty

I hope everyone had a fabulous Valentine's day, and had someone/someone's they could share some love with. Having someone to love, not just romantically, is really what I think being human is all about.

My wife and I had a great night out. My parents watched the chillins', which allowed us to have some time together. Alone time is rare, but much needed, especially when you have two little ones.

We started the night out at one of our "hot spots," Olive Garden. Big ups on their Zuppa Tuscana. That itself was a big to do. We decided that it would be better for Erica to head up there and get our names in, since they don't do call ahead or reservations.

I rushed over to my parents to drop the kids off, and got a call from Erica. She told me there was a 75 min. wait, and suggested I try Texas Road House. Well, everyone in the city of Springfield must have been trying to call them at the same time. I tried about 15 times with only a busy signal.

I dropped off the kids and had a thought,"Chinese." Who goes to a Chinese Restaurant for Valentine's day anyways? I called, and they weren't busy. I realized that nearly 30min. had already gone by. By the time I got to Olive Garden, Erica tells me that there is only 10 minutes until we can be seated.

To make this long part of the story short...We shared a appetizer, and both enjoyed our entrees. The point of this blog though is not focused on our dining plans, or how that all worked out.
We ended the night going to the movies. We saw "Fools Gold." It was fantastic, and certainly worth the price of the ticket.

The movie hit me in a few ways. First it reminded me of one of my Life Goals. I have set a goal for myself that I will be part of some archaeological expedition. Whether it requires an ocean dive, or a shovel in the sand, I will at some point have some part in unearthing history.

The second way this movie hit me is that it reminded me that love is a very powerful thing. The two main characters in this movie are married. The man is an immature, treasure hunter. He cannot hold a steady job, has large debts strung throughout the world, and a wife that is fed up with it all and divorcing him.

The wife is a beautiful, intelligent, motivated...well, you get the point. She loves this guy despite the fact that he seems to be a loser.

Now, love is powerful, but human love is not perfect. It has limitations, it can fail when needed most, and can hurt even when the intention is most noble. Yet this movie reminded me of the ability that mankind has to share and express love with one another. It reminded me that love is not a feeling, but a choice that we make each and every day of our lives.

It's incredible to think that God loves us like this woman loved her husband. She chose to love this buffoon, even when he acted like a complete idiot. She admired him, even though he had weaknesses, which to most were glaring.

I can really relate to this. I think most of my weaknesses are extremely obvious to most people, and yet God loves me with a fervor, a passion like none other.

Have you ever experienced a love like that? A love that looks passed your faults right to your needs, right to your heart, to your very soul? A love that is deeper, truer, and unwavering?

If not, I invite you to look at John 3:16, and read about the love that God has always had for you.

Living Out Loud

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sunday @ Felllowship Holden

Can I just say Holy Rock!!!

Sunday morning was an incredible time. We opened with a rendition of "Machinehead" by Bush. It was awesome! The worship music was right on, and the message that Jeff brought was insanely good!

I never realized how much I whine about my "Difficult" or "Full" days. How about how often I justify not reaching out on a regular basis, because I'm too busy. God really impressed upon me that I need to incorporate outreach into every facet of my "Schedule."

* What's up with me and the " " marks today!! Oh well.*

Seriously though. Outreach can happen any where and at any time. I need to ask God to keep that in my mind.

Be ever watchful for oportunities to share the love of Christ with people.

Living out loud

Can pick your friends, Can pick your nose, But...

So, I'm listening to the Christian Morning Radio Show again. I'm getting scared about this, because I tune in pretty much every morning. It's weird, but I really like them. Like I've said I usually don''t like Christian Talk Shows.

There are two hosts and they have some really great topics. If you're ever in the Western MA area check out 99.7FM. They're doing a great job there!

So, we are called to be in this world, but not to be of it. What does that mean? What does that look like? (John 17)

Jesus calls us to do some radical living. We are to be ever engaging our culture, yet never buying into it. We are to be ever loving the people lost in this culture, but never in love with or lost to that culture.

True Christianity, the kind that we see in the New Testament of the Bible is radical, controversial, a kind of cultural antithesis.

So, here is my thought.

What would my life be like if I truly loved like the Bible says to love?

What impact would I make on this world, but more importantly on the world to come?

How would my life be changed, those most closest to me, and the lives of countless others be changed?

Just some thoughts for us today...

Living Out Loud

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I was thinking about that word today. There are many things this word can refer to. It can refer to physical, destructive weapons, i.e. Rocket Launchers, AK-47, RPG, etc. It can also have a spiritual meaning. Many of you are thinking, "Whaa-Whaat?"

Yeah, the bible talks about spiritual weapons. The study on it is incredible, but that is not really the focus for today. I wanted to talk about war. Actual, physical, destructive, devisive war.

My Blog is simple today. I am posing one question...

Should Christians participate in war?

Take that to mean what you will. Whether you think the question refers to fighting, hand-to-hand combat, military war, etc. All of these are correct when answering the question. So, please feel free to reply.

Much Love

Is it ironic that I end this with Love? No more questions from me.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

T-Minus 31 days.

The move is coming sooo fast, and I couldn't be more excited. I was out in Worcster yesterday, and at lunch...

Quick Commercial Break: Wild Willy's Burgers. Ohhhhhh, to die for. I recomend the "Stampede"

Back to the regularly scheduled Blog...

with Marty, Steve, and Darren. All of a sudden Marty gets a call. He is talking for a few minutes, and then hands it to me. It's one of mine and Erica's friends from Fellowship Church, Tanya (Pronounced Tan-yuh).

She proceeds to tell me about how her neighbor just came over to tell her that they are moving out of their house in the next couple of days, and letting the bank foreclose on their home. He also asked her if she knew anyone looking to buy a house. She knew we are looking, and referred us to him. I spent an hour talking to this guy from Tennessee, who had a wicked accent, and learned that we might be able to get his house for pennies on the dollar.

What's so incredible about this story, and why I am sharing this is that it showed me and now you how awesome God is. Erica and I had decided a couple of weeks ago that we would stop looking for houses. Not because we didn't trust God or anything, but because we thought He was closing the doors for that as an opportunity. So, God has thrown a wrench in the works here.

I mean what are the odds that on a day that I decided to be in Worcester, it just so happens that this guy comes to his neighbor's house to notify them they are moving. These neighbors just so happen to be our friends, that we haven't really know all that long, and this opportunity plops in our laps.

I think that's a miracle from God. I'll praise Him if we get the house, and I'll praise Him if we don't. God is truly alive, at work in the lives of His people, and He will reign regardless of if I let Him.

Much Love,

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So...Basically I'm an idiot!

Good day to all,

I recently realized that I didn't post 2 of my blogs last week. I typed them up, but never posted them. So, as a great friend told me..."I guess AL Dancy doesn't really speak. I just posted one of them, and decided not to post the other.


So, as some of you have read, my famly and I will be moving to Worcester in T-minus 32 days. We are so excited, andcan't wait to live in the area where we will be serving God with the great people from Fellowship Church Holden. What a dynamic team I have the privilege to be a part of.

Sunday at Fellowship was great. The music...well let's just say that God uses people despite themselves. If everything rises and falls on the leadership, then I did a terrible job. At least that's how I felt. It's amazing though, when you think you've done a terrible job, and out of no where someone approaches you and says, "Thanks for the music this morning. It really ministered to myt heart." You realize that God is absolutely right when He says that nothing is done in our strenght and ability, it's all by His power and might.

I need to remember that. So, even when we think we did a crappy job, God is still working this for His glory. So that in the end, no one will ever be able to stand before Him and brag.

I'm Out,

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What a Basket Case

So, this morning as I was driving to work, and listening to the "Q"(the new FM Christian radio station in our area). Now, I love Christian music, but I have never been a big fan of Christian radio "Talk Shows." They tend to be a bit cheesy.

Well, I decided to tune in this morning, and I am glad I did. Their first topic was pretty brief, and it is what gave me the title for today's Blog. The topic was what was going through Moses' mind when he found himself in the basket on the Nile.

I know, I know..."Moses wasn't thinking anything, because he was a little baby."

I don't know if or what he was thinking, but it made me think...

******* I'M THINKING *******

1. How many times do I find myself in a situation that isn't necessarily from my own involvement or doing?

2. How do I react in the situation?

3. What is my attitude toward God in those situations?

Some soul searching is required to truthfully answer these questions.

Let's answer the first question. It doesn't seem often that I find myself in a situation that isn't somehow, and usually greatly, linked to a decision I have made or refused to make. It's more often that I'm in the place or situation, because I have made a decision. However, I can think of some times that had nothing to do with me, but none-the-less I was in them.

Second Question! I usually get on this kick of "Handlin' my Bizz!" I feel this need to take things over, and hanlde them "the way they should be handled."

Final Question. Maybe you've experienced this before.
You know...It goes a little like this

"Okay God, I can handle things from here. Obviously You've been slacking, or don't truly care about my dilemma. So, I'll take over and get things straight. Okay?!?!?"

Well, that's what takes place in my mind. You're probably thinking, "Why have I tuned in to this Blog today? What is this guys boggle?" I assure you,

******* This is going somewhere *******

Now, mind you, this doesn't happen all the time. There are moments where I have a "Spiritual" response.

So, now you know taht I can have some seriously faulty responses. Well, it's a good thing I'm a work in progress. It's an incredible thing to realize how messed up our reactions can be to situations, but more importantly to the One who is carrying us through them.

Love and Peace

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Family is Sweet

Good Morning to all!

As I got up this morning I had my typical "I want to go back to bed" feeling I usually have. However, as I pulled myself up out of bed, trying to convince myself that I "need" to get up and get ready for work, I looked back at the bed...

There they were:

My wife- In here usual spot, the outside side of our bed. She seemed to be at perfect rest, so peaceful.

Wyatt (He's 2/12)- Of course he ended up in our bed at some point last night. I was likely dead to the world, as I'm a really sound sleeper. He was in his spot too, right in the middle of the bed. His arms up over his head, and right leg hanging out of the side of the covers.

Liam (3mths.)- Turtle, as we so affectionately call him, was right next to momma. He was the only one not in the bed though. He managed to stay in his cradle...probably due to the fact that he can't crawl or really move himself around just yet.

It dawned on me as sunlight began to gently peer through our windows that I am blessed beyond measure. I got my towel and clothes together, and got myself ready for the day. I thanked God briefly, but it wasn't until about an hour ago that it really hit me...

I have so much to thank God for!

The fact that I woke up this morning, could see the sun rise through my windows, and seeing my family all together peacefully sleeping. Those are some of the things that God reminded me to be thankful for on the regular

You know, it's usually the simple things, the things that go unnoticed, that really are the one's that make us...and I think by neglecting them it can break us.

Keeping God First

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's Finally Here!

Hey there!

Big thanks to all of you who shared your thoughts on what the name of the blog should be. Some were enlightening, some were not surprising in the least, and some were not right!! Some of these are inside jokes that some readers may not get, others seem to speak for themself.

The best are listed below: (Not all are listed, as some were inappropriate, even in my opinion)

6. Marty Holman...Nuff said!

5. Billy McGuiness

Only from you Billy, as you understand the curse!

4. Poli Dimakos

This brought me back to a great time in my life. College Dorm Bathrooms Rule.

3. Seth Switzer

Some things will never change.

2. Also Poli...

Thanks for reminding me dude. This is too true!

Drum Roll Please.......

This was from about three people

Well, to all who will read this a big shout out. And hopefully this journey will be great!
